Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Let's Talk About Wood Paneling

So, lets talk about wood paneling. You all have seen the style, that wood stuff so popular when many of us were young. You just nailed it up there and voila! instant wall covering.

This room was covered in the stuff. So of course, down it came. Now, if you ever have to do this, you should remove the baseboard first. It makes it a lot easier. The top trim came down with the paneling. So before, we have this lovely paneling, fluorescent light, and counter top desk.

In case you haven't quite figured out the orientation to this room, it has two doorways. This doorway looks into the kitchen. It will get closed off soon. The other doorway is in the hallway, where normal bedroom doors are located.

The paneling came down in entire sheets for the most part. Super easy, just pop off the baseboard, pry a corner loose with your handy-dandy crowbar, grab, and pull. Off comes the sheet. Do not get stabbed by wayward nails. 

If you look closely, you can see the nail tracks in the wall. All that is required is to pop out the nails and fill the holes. Then, it's ready for it's new coat of paint.

The closet. See it now? Cause soon, it's getting a makeover too. Also, I would like you to note the ladder. A garage sale model that we stole from Matt's mom and have bolted together several times. We have decided, after both nearly breaking our necks in this endeavor, to treat ourselves to a new one this weekend. So we don't die. That is very important.

And the carpet is gone too. After pulling up all the carpet, I think we've decided to go with hardwoods throughout the house. We were not lucky enough to find that underneath the floors, but no matter. But let me tell you something. I know that carpet had been there awhile. But when we pulled it up, there were entire piles of dirt and dust on the floor. It was disgusting. The carpet, the pad, and the floor underneath were all nasty.  And after pulling up every single carpet tack, many of which fell apart in our hands, I was pretty bent on only hardwoods.

We thought that was the only paneling in the house. We thought. Remember that wall the girls were tearing the paper off so easily? The dining room wall? Well, there was some sort of paper cover on the wall that the paper was sticking to. And under that? Yup, wood paneling. Although, when we attempted to tear that off, there was another unpleasent suprise. Somebody loved that paneling so much, they wanted to look at it on the wall forever. So they glued it to the wall. And of course, you can guess what happened when we ripped it down.

Yeah, ruined. Totally. So that wall came down too.We let Emily have her hand at this one.

I think it was good for her :)

After it was all torn down, this is what we were left with.

A nice, big, open kitchen/dining area that flows right to the living room. Perfect :) I mean, except for that door there.

There. I can live with that!

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